Friday, January 11, 2008

A little of this and a little of that:)

I promise I have been busy spinning and knitting, but I cannot show you all that I have been working on!!! I am going to open my Etsy store in a few weeks, and don't want to give away any of the secrets:) I can tell you, I will be offering hand spun art yarn, and hand spun yarns. All spun on my spindles. I will also be offering hand made stitch markers and spindles. I am thinking of venturing into handmade pins and little gifties as well. I am very excited to do this, and cant wait to start!!! I am hoping by having my own shop it will help pay for some bills, being a stay at home single mom who gets no help form the state or anyone else is a bit hard. I do get child support, and, well we all know how that go's:(

Oh!!!!!!! Guess what? I'm getting anew bunny! His name is prince charming, and I will be picking him up tomorrow ( Saturday). He is a satin angora. I cannot wait to hug all over him!!! The woman I am buying him from is a spinner and knitter, as well as a member of a local homestead group. I will be going to a meeting with her on the16th. I cant wait!!!

Oh, and guess what else??????? (yeah, I know, full of surprises today!!!) I finally got to meet Mariah. Her blog and shop is

She is a wonderful woman, and she even brought me a spindle she made for me!!! We met on and then found out we live in the same town, literally right down the road from each other. We also discovered that her daughter and my son are in the same class at school, hows that for a kowinkeedink???

Well, I hope everyone is having a great New Year. I promise not to wait so long before my next post. And I will keep you updated on my new etsy shop. I am waiting on my credit card, as you have to have one to open it with. And you know me, I just don't do things like banks and credit cards. Had to bite the bullet on that one though. Leave me a comment, let me know I'm not all alone!!!!!!!

I am going to be running a contest next week sometime, so be sure to keep your eyes open!!!

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